NEUKADUR and AltroBond Construction Adhesives
Our AltroBond Construction Adhesives Excel Thanks to Their Diverse Array of Applications and Their Mechanical Properties.
Whether for bonding steel and aluminum, rubber, ceramics, wood, or acrylic—with our AltroBond product line, we provide high-quality construction adhesives that are suitable for numerous materials.
Our solutions not only impress because of their versatility. Depending on the system, they also boast different mechanical properties to meet all your needs. Some of our construction adhesives are therefore very temperature and water-resistant, while others are characterized by their shear strength and short processing time.
Are you seeking a polyurethane-based adhesive? Do you require a construction adhesive to adhere modeling boards together? Or do you need a solution for bonding various materials and substrates? Feel free to contact us. Our experts can provide you with personal advice about our AltroBond line upon request and help you find the right high-performance construction adhesive to satisfy all your specific industry requirements.
Our NEUKADUR and AltroBond adhesives at a glance
NEUKADUR and AltroBond high-performance construction adhesives and their possible applications.
Hochleistungs-Konstruktionsklebstoffe und deren Einsatzmöglichkeiten
You are interested in our AltroBond
construction adhesives and would
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Arrange a consultation now: +49 (0)451 499 600