welcome to our new website

Our website has been thoroughly overhauled, completely redesigned from scratch, and features a shiny new and modern look.

The fully responsive website was developed by the Konzeptschmied Werbeagentur advertising agency and allows you to easily access our content from your smartphone or tablet.

The new website provides you with an exciting glimpse into our company and gives you a quick and easy overview of our attractive product range. In the future, plenty of additional information on many industries and applications—along with exciting news from the chemistry sector and about us—will also be added for our existing and prospective customers and business partners.

So make sure to drop by on a regular basis. We hope that you enjoy looking around our new website, and we look forward to any and all positive feedback or suggestions for improvement from you!

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News from the company

XLETIX-Challenge September 2022

This year's XLETIX Challenge in Grömitz from September 17th to 18th was supported by Altropol Kunststoff GmbH and worthy of representation by Hazem and Patryk.

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